Anchorboy Another gorgeous island of San Blas, there are so many islands there are not even names for all of them in the guidebooks, although the locals most likely have names for all of them The freighter from Cartagena There were a few other boats in the anchorage, a lot of cruisers seem to camp out in this area of Coco Bandero Cays The Kuna people fished all day long Olosicuidup Kunas sailing a cayuco Another cruiser in the anchorage The little blue boat reminded us of "Bluey" it was a 27ft. steel boat that had sailed to San Blas from France The couple living aboard had sold us some jewelry that they had made from the tagua nut Kate's (Shelly's) haul from the Coco Bandero anchorage, sea urchins, a sea biscuit, a baby conch, coral, and a triton that had a crab in it, so we had to put it back The anchorage at Coco Banderos Sunset our first night at Coco Banderos Nightfall on Stray Cat Venancio Restrepo Master Mola Maker of Momaketupu or Mola Maker Island These were by far the best Molas we had seen The craftsmanship was far superior and Venancio told us about the layers He told us how the numerous layers make the Molas more intricate and difficult and the more layers, the more time they take to make and also, the more expensive they are The colors were fantastic Capt Stu bought this one Most had animals or flowers or geometric patterns on them This was the Kuna Tribal Pattern Very Tradicional Kuna The colors were fantastic Turtles or tortugas were very popular Some Molas told a story, Venancio had one with Jonah being swallowed by a whale There are lots of indigenous birds in San Blas Venancio liked this one a lot and he had sewn these 2 Molas, so of course Kate ended up with them Venancio, Kate & Stuart the "Mola Crew" The Mola in Venancio's hands was 6 layers and he told us that it took him 4 months to make, he wanted $100 for it - he took that one home with him! Tiadup Kate's favorite pastime! Blue Tang Blue headed Wrasse Not sure about the name, but this fish had the most vivid colors of any fish we saw Blue Tang Baby Blue Walter Starfish Flowers on the uninhabited island of Dupwala Walter on the island of Dupwala Walter in Paradise Palm trees in paradise Dupwala Kate was loving this life! Snorkel Gear in Paradise A King's Helmet, unfortunately the King was at home A moon jelly Walter with a Bahamian Conch, King's Helmet and a piece of coral, what a treasure! I'm Angry! A Starfish in the deep, there were lots of them from 20-40 feet deep Our little speckle fish hiding in the coral Spotfin Butterfly Fish The elusive Queen Angelfish Foureye Butterflyfish Coral More Coral Trunkfish M&K M&K with snorkel lines M&K Olosicuidup Self-portrait at Olosicuidup Mike Chillin' Walt drinkin' Walt G'in Katherine selling jewelry It was gorgeous and made of vegetable ivory or the tagua nut She had all kinds The presentation was very good!
I love earrings!! Katherine and Kathleen with the Booty! The small spirals on the coral head were animals that would suck back inside of the coral if you got to close to them The coral bubbles Squirrelfish More pipe organ coral Another Trumpetfish School's in! It is impossible to look cool in a snorkel! An incredible angelfish who was very camera shy The freighter on the reef, it had wrecked on it's way from Cartagena, Colombia to Colon, Panama Most of the middle section of the ship had been destroyed from constantly being battered on the reef The bridge deck or pilothouse My new jewelry rocks! More Molas!!!!!!!!!!!!! This happened at least everyday Here is the daily catch The lobster Yovanni is holding probably weighed 6lbs and he wanted $35 for it! We bought 11 lobsters for $25 from Yovanni, Antonio & Juan Yovanni cut the tails and cleaned the poop out for us These are called Caribbean Spiny Lobster they are delicioso!!! The water was some of the clearest we had seen The locals would keep the heads, boil them, and make soup with them Walter was purchasing Molas Capt Mark reading the travel guide Mikey! Stu Capt Mark trying for some dinner La Reyna (the Queen) as she was called by the locals for, being the only girl on board Another Incredible Sunset!!