Yellowstone National Park
September 10, 2001
Location: Yellowstone National Park, WY
We left Jenny Lake and headed for Yellowstone.
On our way out we came face to face with a Mama Moose and her twin
calves!! We have it on video it was the coolest thing we've seen so far
and the scariest!! Mike was only 10 feet away from the Mama, while Kate
screamed and jumped into the truck. Sorry, again we don't have any still
photos for the website, so you'll all have to wait for the video. (Mike
was a little surprised and nervous, so the video might have a PG-13/R rating in
that section - sorry Mom) We entered Yellowstone and headed for Old
Faithful. As we were waiting for it to erupt we saw Beehive, another
geyser, erupt that was even higher than Old Faithful. We drove down to the
Sapphire Pools in Biscuit Basin which were some of the hot springs. We
then headed up towards our campground past Yellowstone Lake (the world's largest
lake above 7,000ft.) The scenery was exquisite! We saw herds of
Bison and a large male Elk. We set up camp at Tower Falls and headed
down for a hike. We drove and hiked around Tower Falls, Calcite Springs,
Blacktail Creek Plateau and Mammoth Hot Springs. Most of the springs were
dormant. The hot springs were located at the Park headquarters and the Elk
were everywhere!! Just hangin' out on the village lawns. They were
close! We never got too close to wildlife. Many people have been
hurt from getting too close. That night, we made some friends (and enemies) at
our campsite. We were lucky enough to camp next to and hang out with 2 other couples hiking
around Yellowstone. They gave us a lot of useful information
about upcoming parts of our trip. As it got a little later in the night,
the Ranger had to come by and ask us to
quiet down. He was sooo nice. You can get awesome information from
the rangers. They were very helpful.
The Beehive |
Beehive Geyser |
Old Faithful |
Right on time |
Yellowstone is one big volcano crater |
Black Opal Hot Springs |
Sapphire Pools Hot Springs |
Yellowstone Lake |
Tower Falls |
Calcite Springs |
Yellowstone River |
The vertical row of rocks is
25ft. of lava flow, millions of years old |
Buck Elk at Park Headquarters |
Doe Elk at Park Headquarters |

The Village at Park Headquarters